Mohamad Naqi

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<strong>Mohamad Naqi</strong>


Naqiuddin is a bachelor's and diploma graduate from Universiti Technology Mara (UiTM) in 2019 and 2015 respectively. He undergoes Bachelors of Electronics (Microelectronics) Engineering with Honors and Diploma of Engineering in Electrical (Electronic) to pursue his career in becoming an Engineer in Electronics.

Naqiuddin began his career as a Jr. Engineer at RsTech Solutions by assisting Mr. Hisyam and Mr. Azman with the projects for two whole years. Thus, increasing his knowledge with programming language and sharpen his microelectronic related skills such as schematic drawing. Now he is an Engineer who capable to lead a team under Mr. Hisyam and Mr. Azman guides.

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